Public Service activities are not operated as ARES/RACES sanctioned events, and are provided here for information only.
Part 97 of the FCC Rules for Amateur Radio state that the first of five basic principles on the basis and purpose of amateur radio is, “Recognition and enhancement of the value of the amateur service to the public as a voluntary, noncommercial communication service, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications [97.1(a)]”
Accordingly, in conjunction with the Yavapai Amateur Radio Club and the Verde Valley Amateur Radio Club, members participate on a regular basis in communication support to various activities in Yavapai County. Support of these activities provides good training for the time when ARES/RACES is needed in times of actual emergencies. These events, and the people to contact for information, can be found at the following link that will take you to the W7YRC website for the list of current public service events:
If you are interested in signing up for one or more of these events, go to the Event Application page, or contact Frank Bender K8FB
In addition to the public service events listed above, the primary focus of ARES/RACES is supporting our served agencies. These include:
All Cities and Towns in Yavapai County
American Red Cross
Fire Departments
US Forest Service Fire Center
Yavapai County Community Health Services
Yavapai County Office of Emergency Management